are not selected
- Gender
- Age
How often do you drink milk?
1 cup of milk(200ml)
How often do you
eat yogurt?
1pack of yogurt(200g)
How often do you eat dairy products?
(i.e. all kinds of cheese or skimmed milk)
Skimmed milk(200ml)1 piece of sliced cheese(18g)
How often do you
eat beans?
(i.e. soy beans, red beans)
How often do you eat soy bean products?
(i.e. soybean curd, soy milk)
How often do you eat
green vegetables?
(i.e. spinach, kale, broccoli,
choi sum)
1 batch
How often do you eat seaweed products.
(i.e. kombu seaweed, kelp, seasoned seaweed)
How often do you eat
small fish which can
eat the whole
body including the
2 pieces
How often do you eat dried seafood like dried shrinp or scallop?
1 piece or 1 scoop
Do you usually take
3 meals per day?
(i.e. breakfast,
lunch and dinner)
Reference: Japanese 2015 guidel川e for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis
Supervisor: Tei kyo He isei U nivers ity
Health medical Department Health Nutrition course
Professor fV1s. Noriko Tsukahara