Milk and dairy products have the highest rate of calcium absorption!?

 calcium absorption

Calcium is a difficult nutrient to absorb

※This research was conducted on Japanese target.

Calcium is a vital nutrient for bone health. There are many well-known, calcium-rich foods, such as milk, dairy products, and small fish, as well as green vegetables such as komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach).

However, it is not commonly known that calcium is a difficult nutrient to absorb. The human body absorbs a portion of the nutrient of food we eat, and the rest ends up leaving our body.

This rate of absorption varies depending on the food. It is important to know the absorption rates for each food so that we can efficiently and sufficiently take enough calcium daily.

Why milk and dairy products have the highest absorption rates

Milk and dairy products are not only rich in calcium, but they are the foods with the highest calcium absorption rates. One cup (200ml) of milk has 227mg of calcium, and the absorption rate is 40%. Milk allows us to efficiently absorb more calcium than fish or vegetables
The reasons of this high absorption rate are thought to be 1) the balance of calcium and phosphorus rate are ideal for calcium absorption, and 2) the effect of lactose and casein phosphopeptides (CPP*) contained in milk.

*CPP is synthesized during the process of digesting milk proteins.

800mg per day | How to easily take your calcium by considering the absorption rates

Calcium contained in milk and dairy products

Calcium contained in milk and dairy products

Daily calcium intake of 700mg to 800mg is recommended to prevent osteoporosis. Adding milk and dairy products to your diet is the key to easily and effectively avoiding calcium deficiency.