About “MBP”
What Is “MBP”
“MBP” is an important protein that suppresses bone resorption by osteoclasts, increase the number of osteoblasts, and makes it more receptive to calcium.
You'll find “MBP” in trace amounts in whey of cow's milk. Whey is the watery substance that you often see on the top of yogurt.
Snow Brand Milk Products Co., Ltd* discovered the effect of this natural protein on bone and named it “MBP”. It contains several bioactive ingredients that are alkaline. Alkaline is the opposite of acidic. Although milk is rich in protein, “MBP” accounts for only a small portion of milk’s overall protein content.
“MBP” is an important protein that acts on bone cells. It suppresses bone resorption by osteoclasts, increase the number of osteoblasts, and makes it more receptive to calcium, while at the same time preventing excessive calcium from being dissolved out of the bones.
No matter how conscientious you may be about getting the proper amount of calcium, if your body's ability to form bone is impaired, that calcium will not be efficiently absorbed into your bones.
Snow Brand Milk Products Co., Ltd*. extensively researched this basic milk protein to identify its active functions and named it “MBP”.
Clinical tests conducted with beverages containing “MBP” have shown that it can help increase bone density.**
* Snow Brand Milk Products Co., Ltd. has been merged with Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd. as of April 1, 2011.
** Yamamura J, Aoe S, Toba Y, et al. “MBP” Increases Radial Bone Mineral Density in Healthy Adult Women. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2002;66(3):702-704.
How “MBP” Builds Bones
Our bones are created from living cells and continually regenerate themselves through a process known as bone metabolism.
Bone Metabolism
Each day, our bones undergo a constant, gradual process of regeneration. Bones are created from living cells, and continually regenerate themselves through a process known as bone metabolism. Bone metabolism involves the destruction of old bones, or bone resorption, and the creation of new bones, or bone formation.
The cells that handle bone resorption are known as osteoclasts, while the cells engaged in bone formation are called osteoblasts. Osteoblast cells produce collagen, the basic building material of bones. When osteoblasts produce collagen, calcium from the bloodstream attaches to the collagen to form new bone material.
How “MBP” Helps
“MBP” regulates the activity of bone-destroying osteoclast cells, while increasing the number of osteoblast cells to stimulate the production of collagen.
“MBP” both suppresses bone resorption and stimulates bone formation. “MBP” is an important substance that maintains a balanced bone metabolism, assisting in bone formation during periods of growth, and helping to prevent the decrease of bone density.
Clinical trials show increased bone density with “MBP”