Megmilk Snow Brand Quality Assurance System (MSQS)
Megmilk Snow Brand is not only dedicated to providing our customers with safe and reliable products. We also proactively reflect customer feedback in operations, and practice customer-focused management that ensures trusted, high-quality system. With this in mind, we have outlined the following four policies as our Quality Assurance Policy.
Under the standards outlined in the MSQS, we manage and secure quality in every phase of the products we deliver, from product design and development, material procurement, production, distribution and sales. We also improve our quality assurance system by three-tier checks, that are external, internal, and workplace oversight to confirm and validate that the MSQS is functioning appropriately and effectively.

Quality Assurance Policy
- Apply the standards of a customer-focused quality assurance system and ensure compliance with laws and internal standards to provide safe and reliable products.
- Provide appropriate information to prove worthy of the trust we receive from customers.
- Reflect consumer feedback to pursue satisfactory quality.
- Establish a risk management system to ensure rapid, appropriate responses.
Quality and hygiene management based on our unique quality assurance system (MSQS)
Megmilk Snow Brand conducts quality and hygiene management based on the Megmilk Snow Brand Quality Assurance System (MSQS). MSQS is the Megmilk Snow Brand’s unique quality assurance system that incorporates the concepts outlined in ISO9001*1 and HACCP*2, and that promotes quality assurance activities by employees in all departments.
Plant employees wear special uniforms. Prior to entering manufacturing areas, employees are required to change shoes, remove dirt and particles attached to their uniform, carefully wash their hands with soap and disinfect their hands with alcohol.
Inspections are conducted at every stage of the manufacturing process, including before receiving raw materials and raw milk. Prior to shipment, both instrument-based inspections and human-based inspections are conducted to ensure only passed products are shipped.
We work to improve our quality assurance system through quality audits, which include external oversight by the Corporate Ethics Committee (Quality Subcommittee) and external agencies, internal oversight by the Quality Assurance Department, and workplace oversight by each Quality Control Section manager of the plants.
Quality Subcommittee
A group of external experts in quality and hygiene management conducts plant audits and exchanges opinions with employees. Plants draft and implement improvement proposals in response to audit recommendations and issue reports to the Corporate Ethics Committee. During FY2017, audits were conducted at eight plants in Japan.
Products are kept in refrigerated storage to maintain quality and delivered by truck to delivery sites. Chilled products are shipped via special refrigerated trucks to ensure temperature control.
Sales Department staff visit their managed storefronts and check the status of product shelving and storage management. They also provide information regarding appropriate storage methods.
*1. Refers to international standard quality management system.
*2. Hygiene management method for ensure food safety.