ESG Data

(Last Updated: January 30, 2025 )


Policy and Certification

Environmental PolicyYes
Megmilk Snow Brand Group Environmental Policy
Procurement PolicyYes
Megmilk Snow Brand Group Procurement Policy
Third-Party  Certification SitesISO14001
52 sites (Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd., Yatsugatake Milk Co., Ltd., Ibaraku Co., Ltd., Michinoku Milk Co., Ltd. Bean Stalk Snow Co.,Ltd.)
Green Management
14 sites (Chokuhan Haisou Co., Ltd.)
Third-Party Verification of CO2 Emissions
8 companies (Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd., Ibaraku Co., Ltd., Kohnan Oils and Fats Mfg. Co., Ltd., Chokuhan Haisou Co., Ltd., Michinoku Milk Co., Ltd., Yatsugatake Milk Industry Co., Ltd., Snow Brand Seed Co., Ltd., Bean Stalk Snow Co., Ltd.)


《Preventing Global Warming》 20192020202120222023
Electricity Used*1Millions of kWh234229230259255
Total Fuel Used (Crude Oil Equivalent)*1Thousands of kl109.9109.4110.8128.7118.3
Fuel Used (Crude Oil Equivalent)*1Thousands of kl52.452.353.263.761.5
Electricity Used *1Thousands of kl57.557.057.664.956.8
Recyclable Energy UsedkWh24,50026,66831,733230,920
Recyclable Energy Used%
CO2Emissions*2Ten thousands of tons23.022.427.225.524.4
Scope1*2Ten thousands of tons11.511.514.614.012.9
Scope2*2Ten thousands of tons11.410.912.611.511.5
Reduction in CO2Emissions*2(Compared to Fiscal 2013)%18.821.118.423.526.9
Scope3Ten thousands of tons192.1236.4224.7231.6232.5
(Category1) Purchased Goods and ServicesTen thousands of tons167.3211.2200.8206.6209.1
(Category2) Capital GoodsTen thousands of tons6.
(Category3) Fuel- and Energy-Related Activities
(Not Included in Scope 1 or 2)
Ten thousands of tons3.
(Category4) Upstream Transportaion and DistributionTen thousands of tons10.810.410.210.310.2
(Category5) Waste Generated in OperationsTen thousands of tons0.
(Category6) Business TravelTen thousands of tons0.
(Category7) Employee CommutingTen thousands of tons0.
(Category8) Upstream Leased AssetsTen thousands of tonsNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculated
(Category9) Downstream Transportaion and DistributionTen thousands of tonsNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculated
(Category10) Processing of Sold ProductsTen thousands of tonsNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculated
(Category11) Use of Sold ProductsTen thousands of tonsNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculated
(Category12) End-of-Life Treatment of Sold ProductsTen thousands of tons3.
(Category13) Downstream Leased AssetsTen thousands of tonsNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculated
(Category14) FranchisesTen thousands of tonsNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculated
(Category15) InvestmentsTen thousands of tonsNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculatedNot calculated
Fluorocarbon Leakaget-CO23,5882,4843,1472,4865,410

*1 Aggregation of 8group companies since fiscal 2022.( Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd., Ibaraku Co., Ltd., Kohnan Oils and Fats Mfg. Co., Ltd., Chokuhan Haisou Co., Ltd., Michinoku Milk Co., Ltd., Yatsugatake Milk Industry Co., Ltd., Snow Brand Seed Co., Ltd., Bean Stalk Snow Co., Ltd. )
*2 Aggregation of 8group companies since fiscal 2021.( Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd., Ibaraku Co., Ltd., Kohnan Oils and Fats Mfg. Co., Ltd., Chokuhan Haisou Co., Ltd., Michinoku Milk Co., Ltd., Yatsugatake Milk Industry Co., Ltd., Snow Brand Seed Co., Ltd., Bean Stalk Snow Co., Ltd. )

《Sustainably Using Resources》 20192020202120222023
% of Paper Made of Eco-Friendly Materials Used
(Scope of Data Collection: Paper Packaging and Cardboard)*1
% of Certified Palm Oil Used*2
*Refined palm oil only
Petroleum-derived plastic usage per unit of sales revenue*1t/Hundred million yen3.
Reduction in petroleum-derived plastic usage per unit of sales revenue
(Compared to Fiscal 2018)*1

*1 Aggregation of 4group companies since fiscal 2021.( Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd., Ibaraku Co., Ltd., Yatsugatake Milk Industry Co., Ltd., Bean Stalk Snow Co., Ltd. )
*2 Aggregation of 4group companies since fiscal 2022.( Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd., Kohnan Oils and Fats Mfg. Co., Ltd., Snow Brand Seed Co., Ltd., Bean Stalk Snow Co., Ltd. )

《Recycling-Based Society》 20192020202120222023
Raw Materials UsedThousands of t1,169.71,162.01,164.61,148.71,080.6
Raw MilkThousands of t995.01,005.01,027.0999.1960.1
Oils and FatsThousands of t17.817.315.814.211.6
Milk-Derived Raw MaterialsThousands of t43.133.516.828.915.5
Other Raw MaterialsThousands of t51.348.546.148.044.6
Resources for Packaging Used
(Paper,Plastic, Glass, Alminum, etc.)
Thousands of t62.557.758.958.548.8
(incl. General Waste from Business Activities)*1
Thousands of t17.316.
Waste*1Thousands of t16.815.618.319.215.6
Reduction in Waste
(Compared to Fiscal 2013)*1
Amount of Recycled Waste*1Thousands of t16.414.917.418.915.4
% of Recycled Waste*1%97.595.495.298.898.8
Food Waste*2Thousands of t3.
Amount of Recycled Food Waste*2Thousands of t3.
% of Recycled Food Waste*2%88.283.686.294.896.3
Amount of Industrial Plastic WasteThousands of t1.331.381.301.251.16
Reduction in Industrial Plastic Waste (compared to Fiscal 2018)%
% of Recycled Plastic Waste%94.393.797.598.098.3
Final Disposal of WasteThousands of t0.420.720.670.150.13

*1 Aggregation of 7group companies since fiscal 2021.(Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd., Ibaraku Co., Ltd., Kohnan Oils and Fats Mfg. Co., Ltd., Michinoku Milk Co., Ltd., Yatsugatake Milk Industry Co., Ltd., Snow Brand Seed Co., Ltd., Bean Stalk Snow Co., Ltd. )Figures before fiscal 2020 are non-consolidated. Headquarters and sales offices are excluded before fiscal 2019.
*2 Aggregation of 6group companies since fiscal 2021.(Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd., Ibaraku Co., Ltd., Kohnan Oils and Fats Mfg. Co., Ltd., Michinoku Milk Co., Ltd., Yatsugatake Milk Industry Co., Ltd., Bean Stalk Snow Co., Ltd. )Figures before fiscal 2020 are non-consolidated headquarters and sales offices are excluded before fiscal 2019.

《Water Resources》 20192020202120222023
Water Used*Thousands of m310,90010,80010,80012,10011,700
Ground WaterThousands of m311,310
Tap WaterThousands of m3130
Water for Industrial UseThousands of m340
RiversThousands of m3220
Reduction in Water Used(Compared to Fiscal 2013)*8.27.610.5
Wastewater*Thousands of m310,30010,40010,40011,40011,230
RiversThousands of m39,4009,170
Public SewerThousands of m32,0002,060

* Aggregation of 7group companies since fiscal 2022.(Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd., Ibaraku Co., Ltd., Kohnan Oils and Fats Mfg. Co., Ltd., Michinoku Milk Co., Ltd., Yatsugatake Milk Industry Co., Ltd., Snow Brand Seed Co., Ltd., Bean Stalk Snow Co., Ltd. )

《Environmental Management》 20192020202120222023
Number of Incidents of Environmental
Total Cost of Incidents of Environmental
《Environmental Audit and Education》 20192020202120222023
Environmental Audit*Sites5553636765
% of Participants in Environmental e-learning Course%100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0
Number of Participants in ISO14001 Environmental Basic Fundamental Training for Marketing and Administration SectionPeople385526959
Number of Participants in Internal ISO14001 Environmental Auditor Development TrainingPeople60958710047
Number of Participants in Environmental e-learning Course for Group CompaniesPeople448592647

* Aggregation of 4 group companies. (Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd., Ibaraku Co., Ltd., Michinoku Milk Co., Ltd., Yatsugatake Milk Industry Co., Ltd.)


Policy and Certification

Third-Party Certification of Food SafetyFSSC22000
25 Plants (96% of the food facilities in and outside Japan that manufacture Megmilk Snow Brand products )
METI Recognition under the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition ProgramYes
Third-Party Certification of Animal ExperimentYes
Ethical considerations for animal experiments
《Dairy Farming》 20192020202120222023
Number of Participants in the Japan Dairy Farmer’s Research Association ConferencePeople260218208261313
Number of Dairy Farming Advisory Committee MeetingsTimes21222
Area of land planted with Snow Brand Seed Feedstuff Seeds by Compared to Fiscal 2019 Levels99.8100.2103.796.3
《Workstyle Reform》 20192020202120222023
Total Working Hour
(Non-Managerial Employees、Annual)
Hours of Overtime Work
(Non-Managerial Employees、Average per Month、Compared to Normal Working Hours)
% of Annual Paid Leave Taken
(All Employees)
《Diversity and Inclusion》 20192020202120222023
Number of Consolidated Regular EmployeesPeople5,3675,6695,6655,7155,731
Number of Consolidated Temporary EmployeesPeople3,7463,4383,3833,3283,185
Number of Regular EmployeesPeople3,1443,1613,1343,1183,129
Female Share of Total Regular Employees%15.315.515.916.416.9
Number of Temporary EmployeesPeople1,1381,1231,1031,0831,029
Average Age of EmployeesAge40.040.440.841.241.7
Average Years of EmploymentYears14.514.314.815.415.8
Number of Newly Hired Employees(New Graduates)People11275724374
Number of Newly Hired Employees(Mid-Career)People3321144049
% of Mid-Career Regular Employees%22.821.916.348.239.8
Number of RetireesPeople13472113107121
The OthersPeople7342636675
Personnel Turnover Rate of Newly Hired Graduates within 3 Years%6.89.414.310.712.5
% of Rehired Staff After Retirement%78.786.784.082.984.8
Number of Management Positions
*As of April of the next fiscal year
% of Females in Management Positions
*As of April of the next fiscal year
Employees Taking Childcare LeavePeople7576107113132
Average Days of Childcare Leave Taken(Men)*1Days8.913.614.821.025.2
% of Employees Taking Childcare Leave*2%62.056.379.395.8111.9
Gender Pay Gap(Average Female Salary / Average Male Salary)%60.562.3
Regular Employees
(incl. Full-Time Employees Changed to Permanent Employment)
Temporary Employees%75.073.8
% of Six Months Tenure after Taking Maternity and Childcare Leave%97.4100.098.9100.0100.0
Shortened Working HoursPeople5347595561
Care LeavePeople5735364555
Number of Care LeavesPeople7479808389
% of Disabled in Workforce%1.962.222.252.392.59
% of Employees Unionized%99.699.699.699.599.6

*1 The average number of days taken by male regular employees who took childcare leave.
*2 This rate may exceed 100% because it includes employees who had a child in the previous fiscal year but did not take childcare leave in that same year, and instead took childcare leave in the following fiscal year.

《Securing and Training Human Resources》 20192020202120222023
Amount Cost of Training (Regular Employee)Ten thousand yen/ People/Year2.
Number of Participants in Female Leader TrainingPeople3922382525
Number of Participants in the Training for Heads of DepartmentsPeople18
Number of Participants in Public Offering Business Skills TrainingPeople1900351347268
Number of Participants in Career Development Training (Workshop Style)People310201518363553
Number of Participants in Self‐Development Correspondence EducationPeople290374364374368
% of Participation in Group Activities for Sustainability (Actual Participation)%83.293.695.793.891.1
《Work Engagement》 20192020202120222023
Engagement ScorePoints63.3
% of Employees That Have Undergone Routine Health Checkup%100.0100.0100.0100.099.9
% of Employees That Have Undergone Stress Check%91.091.991.890.288.4
% of Obesity (Over 40years Old)%44.844.643.4
% of Smoking%24.623.823.3
% of Specific Health Guidance%22.521.420.019.5
% of Employees That Have Health Management e-learning Course%91.590.4
Frequency Rate (Total Number of Work-Related Injury Accidents ÷ Total Working Hours × 1,000,000)%1.121.911.691.720.92
Severity Rate (Total Number of Days Lost due to Work-Related Accidents ÷ Total Working Hours × 1,000)%

*1 Sick and absent from work. Average number of days of sick leave taken.
*2 Working with poor physical condition, reducing productivity. Ratio of labor impairment due to health issues, assessed to quantify the organization’s labor function.

《Quality Control》 20192020202120222023
% of Certification under an International Food Safety Scheme(such as FSSC or SQF) Recognized by GFSI.*%93939696
Certified Sensory Evaluation Technicians with the Ability to Evaluate Flavor
*As of April of the next fiscal year
Number of Quality Assurance Basic Understanding CheckPeople4,8774,8604,7404,800
Number of Certified InspectorsPeople537579530567
Number of Participants in Food Saftey TrainingPeople3,4603,4553,5003,586
Number of Corporate Ethics Committee Quality Subcommittee(incl. Plant Audits)Times1359159

* Food facilities in and outside Japan that manufacture Megmilk Snow Brand products. (Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd., Ibaraku Co., Ltd., Kohnan Oils and Fats Mfg. Co., Ltd., Michinoku Milk Co., Ltd., Yatsugatake Milk Industry Co., Ltd., Bean Stalk Snow Co., Ltd., Snow Brand Australia Pty. Ltd., PT. Megmilk Snow Brand Indonesia, Luna Bussan Co., Ltd., Miruku no Sato Co., Ltd.)

《Food for Contributions to Health》 20192020202120222023
Number of Functional Products*1
*As of April of the next fiscal year
The Nutrition Business ProductsItems137124
Food for Health Uses Items3135
Food Education Activities Participants*2People38,6189,71544,37664,15062,764
Number of Research Presentations That Contribute to Extending Healthy Life ExpectancyPapers13610411
Number of Research Papers Published That Contribute to Extending Healthy Life ExpectancyPapers115665

*1 Aggregation of 6group companies.(Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd., Bean Stalk Snow Co., Ltd., Belle Neige Direct Co., LTD., Snow Brand Taiwan Co., Ltd., Snow Brand Australia Pty. Ltd., Megmilk Snow Brand Singapore Pte. Ltd. )
*2 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we shelved these activities from February 2020, resumed food education activities in a limited way on June 2020, and started online on October 2020.

《Communication》 20192020202120222023
Plant Tours Participants*People65,6082139,19812,57043,205
Human Rights Impact AssessmentTimes44
Dialogue with Human Rights ExpertsTimes20

* Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we shelved these activities from February 2020, started online on June 2021.

《Complaints》 20192020202120222023
Number of Comments Received from CustomersComments55,04253,72251,01646,98842,759
Of These, Number of ComplaintsComplaints5,2585,2594,4213,9123,825


Form of OrganizationCompany with Audit and Supervisory Committee
Accounting AuditorDeloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC
Anti-Takeover MeasuresNo
Whistleblowing SystemYes (Internal Whistleblowing Hotline “the Megmilk Snow Brand Hotline”, and an External Hotline (Attorney) )
《Board of Directors and Audit and Supervisory Committee》 As of June 26, 2024
Number of Directors
(incl. Audit and Supervisory Committee Members)
External DirectorsPeople4
Female DirectorPeople1
Number of Exective OfficersPeople18
*Of them, 3people concurrently serve as directors.
Number of Directors who Concurrently Serve as Audit and Supervisory Committee MembersPeople3
Independent External DirectorsPeople2
《Number of Meetings》 2023
Number of Board MeetingsTimes17
Board Meetings Attendance%99.5
Number of Audit and Supervisory Committee MeetingsTimes19
Audit and Supervisory Committee Meetings Attendance%100.0
Number of Nomination Advisory Committee MeetingsTimes6
Nomination Advisory Committee Meetings Attendance%97.6
Number of Remuneration Advisory Committee MeetingsTimes4
Remuneration Advisory Committee Meetings Attendance%96.4
《IR Activities》 20192020202120222023
Results Briefings for Investors and AnalystsTimes24444
Small MeetingsTimes118755
Of these, with Attendance of the PresidentTimes22122
One-on-One MeetingsTimes9662555174
One-on-One Meetings in the Conference Held by Securities CompanyTimes11111
IR Briefings (Business Presentations, Facility Tours, etc.)Times00002
Briefings for Personal InvestorsTimes60003
《Compliance》 20192020202120222023
% of Employees That Have Information Security e-learning Course*1%97.498.499.399.297.0
Product Recovery with AnnouncementIncidents21000
Number of Corporate Ethics CommitteeTimes126666
Number of Corporate Ethics Committee Product Information SubcommitteeTimes66666
Number of Participants in Compliance TrainingPeople15112311593117
% of Employees That Have Compliance
e-learning Course*2

*1 Aggregation of 17group companies until fiscal 2021, aggregation of 18group companies since fiscal 2022.
*2 Aggregation of 13group companies in fiscal 2022, aggregation of 18group companies in fiscal 2023.

《Whistleblowing》 20192020202120222023
Number of Whistleblowing
(Boundary: Megmilk Snow Brand Group Total (Japan) )
Human RelationsMatters626243036
Quality ControlMatters00210
Problem Behavior in the WorkplaceMatters30115710
Questions about Internal Systems and StructuresMatters81081710