Megmilk Snow Brand Group Sustainability Policy
All of us in the Megmilk Snow Brand Group pursue Sustainability management as outlined below in order to achieve sustainable growth together with society through its business activities, in line with the Megmilk Snow Brand Group Charter of Corporate Behavior.
This is intended to achieve the Megmilk Snow Brand Group Corporate Philosophy.
We identify material issues and designate specific targets, while also regularly disclosing the status of our initiatives.
Process for Identifying Material Issues

The Sustainability Committee and Company Environment Committee meet regularly to establish plans for initiatives related to Sustainability management, confirm progress with KPI and pursue Sustainability management on an ongoing basis by using the PDCA cycle.
Leaders are assigned to the Megmilk Snow Brand divisions and Group companies, and Sustainability Group activities in which all employees participate are held to ensure thorough compliance and resolve material issues.
In order to ensure compliance and resolve social issues for the future, and based on our regret for the incidents caused by the Megmilk Snow Brand Group in the past, activities are carried out with the participation of all employees twice yearly in which participants reaffirm their responsibility in handling food and pledge to fulfill this responsibility.
The Code of Conduct has been established within each Group company and efforts have been made to ensure familiarity with these standards in order to translate the Megmilk Snow Brand Group Charter of Corporate Behavior into action.